Beyond Blue
Depression and anxiety aren’t weaknesses and no-one is immune. As someone who’s experienced the debilitating effects of mental health challenged first hand, Beyond Blue is a cause that’s near and dear to my heart.
About Beyond Blue
‘Mental health’ seems to have this wild stigma.
And it actually baffles me why; the reality is, we all accept that the brain and our ability to have a concept of right, wrong, compassion, empathy and reasoning are what make us distinctly human. As an athlete if I injure a muscle or joint, I have no qualms about going to a physio or masseuse — why would I try to sort it out myself?
For some reason though, the moment any of us detect something feels a little ‘off’ in our heads and hearts, our first reaction is to soldier on and ignore the problem.
I am so thankful that Beyond Blue exists — can you imagine a world where you couldn’t simply call a counsellor on 1300 22 4636 and talk to someone that’s there for you?
Why I’m Involved
“I became a Beyond Blue Ambassador to help remind people that it’s OK not to be OK.
We all struggle from time to time and it doesn’t mean that you are weak or ‘crazy’.
You are definitely not alone and there are always steps that can be taken to help overcome mental illness and manage our mental health."
Visit Beyond Blue
It’s so important to take care of yourself and part of that is asking for help if you need it. Whether it be from a loved one or from a professional, asking for help is a huge step on the road to recovery. I encourage everyone I know to learn more about the work that Beyond Blue does.